Green the Grid

Green the Grid

Supplying the World's Energy Transition

With Clean Energy Storage Materials

Tuleva is a sustainable manufacturer of clean energy storage materials. We're committed to fighting climate change and doing right by the people and planet that we impact.

Our values:

Planning for the future

Everything we do at Tuleva is centered on our primary goal of fighting climate change. We take care to ensure that our business decisions are sustainable and align with this core value.

Creating with Care

Sustainable Manufacturing

We manufacture energy transition materials through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.

Giving Back

For each project we do, we'll be using a portion of the proceeds to fund social impact projects in climate impacted communities we interact with.

How we're fighting climate change:
We're focused on the sustainable production of clean renewable energy materials from hard rock ores and recycled materials. Some of our current and upcoming projects include: 
Lithium Based Compounds
Maximizing Energy Storage

The availability of lithium-based compounds dictates how fast the global energy transition can happen.

Critical Energy Components

Copper is a critical renewable energy material required in the production, storage, & transmission of electricity.

Powering Grid Storage

Graphene supported energy storage technologies are the wave of the renewable energy future.

It’s On Us

Solving climate change is the task of our generation, and the Tuleva team is committed to powering the world's clean energy transition.

Central to this transformation is the transition to clean, renewable materials in the production, storage, transmission, and utilization of energy. This represents a significant technological shift that entails a substantial increase in the demand for various types of raw materials.

Tuleva in Action: 


Learn more about our production plant & raw materials acquisition


Get information about investment opportunities with our upcoming growth


Our Mission

The transition to clean, renewable energy can only be achieved by changing how electricity is generated and stored. It's our mission to make this change happen through manufacturing clean energy storage materials.

Learn more

The global shift to sustainable energy is here and Tuleva is investing in making this transition move forward.